How can being a Life-Watcher transform your life?
A Life-Watcher is a person who develops the ability to know him/herself by becoming self-aware and attune to the exchange of energy between one"s inner life and their responses to the outer world. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle said, “knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom" which invites us into self-awareness as being the most important relationship of our life.
Do you want to change your life story?
Life-Watching allows you to see the unconscious patterns in your life that repeat and create your story. Have you ever wondered why you may find yourself in certain situations repeatedly? For instance, do you enter relationships with the same type of person and wonder why it does not work? Or maybe you find jobs where you experience frequent interpersonal conflict? You may even ask yourself, “Why is this always happening to me?" It happens because there is an energetic pattern, an unconscious belief about self that keeps repeating itself.
Do you need help being a Life-Watcher?
This is a very important question, one that is instrumental in helping you transform.
A Life-Watcher is an Explorer who is courageous enough to journey through the unknown territory of their inner self. A Life-Watcher is defined as one who digs, uncovers and investigates their inner self to foster personal growth.
Do you want to consult with me?
I will guide you on how to become more attentive from the inside-out. You will recognize how your, thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and behaviors work together in harmony, providing immediate feedback in daily life. As you recognize the patterns in your life you become more empathetic, self-compassionate and resilient. A Life-Watcher will develop skills that help to create positive associations with yourself and others. This will foster collaborative and nurturing relationships with family, colleagues, and friends.
I am offering a 15-minute phone consultation at no-charge to answer any questions and to see if you would like to work with me. My normal rate is $100.00 per hour. I offer a sliding scale depending on your circumstances. So, I can reach out to you please fill in the contact information below.